03 How do I start a podcast?

Topics Discussed This Episode:

0:00 - 2:00: Introduction and importance of planning your podcast content.

2:01 - 4:00: Gathering the right equipment for recording.

4:01 - 6:00: Recording and editing tips for beginners.

In this lively episode of Geelong Podcasters, Zoë Wood, the Video Confidence Coach, guides listeners through the essential steps to kickstart their podcasting journey. She begins by emphasising the importance of planning your content, advising aspiring podcasters to research their audience and decide on a format that suits their needs. Whether it's an interview-based show or bite-sized updates, having a clear plan helps streamline the production process. Zoë also highlights the need for a consistent episode structure, making it easier to produce quality content efficiently.

Next, Zoë dives into the practical aspects of podcasting, such as gathering the right equipment. She reassures listeners that starting a podcast doesn't require expensive gear; even a mobile phone can suffice. However, investing in a good quality microphone and headphones can significantly enhance the listening experience. Zoë recommends using user-friendly recording software like Audacity, which is free and open-source. Her encouraging words remind beginners that the first episode might not be perfect, but with practice and dedication, improvement is inevitable. For those eager to learn more and join a community of passionate podcasters, she invites them to visit the Geelong Podcasters website and engage with the community. So, get started today and share your unique voice with the world!

Visit the Geelong Podcasters website to ask your questions, join the community, and tune in next week for more tips on growing your podcasting skills.

  • How do I start a podcast? where to even begin? Well, good thing you're listening to this podcast. Let's get going. Welcome to Geelong podcasters, your weekly podcast for tips and tricks to grow your audience. We are a group of passionate podcasters located in Geelong and the Bellarine in Victoria, Australia. If your data are way at the end of the month, why not come to one of our free monthly meetup events, and also find the bugging links and more in the show notes. Starting a podcast is like starting any other hobby or marketing plan for your business, whatever you're doing a podcast for, you have to have a reason hopefully, and you need to do a few things. First, you need to plan your content plan what you're doing for the podcast, you need to gather your equipment to record and edit the podcast. And you need to be able to intern record and edit the podcast ready for distribution. So I'm gonna go through those three sections throughout this podcast episode, planning your content, gathering your equipment, and recording and editing. And I want to stress that this episode is part of a longer series of episodes that we are doing about the basic questions that we have about podcasting. So if you have any questions yourself, make sure you reach out on our website and fill in the FAQ form on our website to ask your questions. And I'll make sure to answer it in the podcast. So starting off with number one, planning your content, make sure that you actually research podcasting, it helps greatly if you actually listen to one or two, or in my case, many podcasts on a regular basis to get a feel of why podcasting works and works for your audience. Again, the reason that you're doing a podcast may not because may not be because you like it, but because your audience prefers their content that way. And the way that you do that is you do research, you ask if it's you're doing it for business you ask your clients and how they get their marketing and their content and how they influenced. If it's just a hobby, then ask people who are interested in the same hobby as you? Where are you getting your information? And if it's podcasts, what type of podcasts? Are they listening to decide on the format ultimately, on who you're actually on how you're actually doing the podcast? Is it going to be an interview based podcast? Or are you going to sit there by yourself talking about a recent news event or update in your industry or niche? Or are you planning to do very much like myself short bite sized pieces of content to help your audience or your community grow in their preferred niche. I'm saying news a lot. And also decide on your episode structure very much like myself in this podcast that you're listening to. We have both an intro and an outro. And I am able to talk like I am now in the middle of that. And essentially this makes it easier for me to be able to record and process and output podcasts quicker and easier. Because I don't have to worry about re recording things again. And again, because I've already got a set structure with these podcast episodes. Now now that you've thought a bit more about why you're doing a podcast and possibly done some research into what your audience needs and what your listener needs, ultimately, at the end of the day, because you are doing a podcast for them, not for yourself, you are doing it for them. Now it is time to gather your equipment. Your equipment can be something as simple as a mobile phone and doing a cover. For those who are not in Australia or doing a cover is your bed, your bed sheet or your a nice thick bed sheet that you put over yourself and record straight into your phone. Now, you might ask, what, what why the duvet cover what why the the thick blanket, because that reduces the amount of sound and echo that could impact your overall recording. And I'm going to tell you now that most people you're probably even listening to this on a mobile phone. So you definitely have the equipment to start a podcast today. But the things that I recommend looking into or researching for a podcast is a good quality microphone, you can get microphones realistically as cheap as 20 $25. And of course, you have much more expensive microphones. But if you are starting out this process, I do recommend going for something as simple as a Blue Yeti. The quality isn't great, but you can plug in and go. And that's ultimately what we need at the end of the day. I also recommend if you are going to look into podcasting and podcasting long term that you look into headphones and good quality headphones anywhere between the $100 $250 range and about 60 to $90 in the US. And I recommend looking at recording software. So for example I use a program called audacity because it's quick, it's easy and it is free to use and it is open source so research those as you can. I'm running out of time here But essentially the last step is to record and edit your podcast. The first episode is going to be shit. I'm gonna tell you that now is going to be terrible. But that is okay. You are starting you are learning you are growing. And what you're going to do, you are going to research you're going to keep growing, you are going to edit them for clarity, and you are going to be able to look back or listen back and get a better idea of what you need to do to do your podcast. Hopefully this helps. Bye. This podcast is sponsored by me Zoë The video confidence coach connecting the dots of your personal brand with the power of video. See more in the show notes. Speaking of shownotes see all the show notes including links, upcoming events and details for this episode and many more in the episode description or just go to Vcc dot training slash Geelong Dash podcasters make sure you tune in for next week.

Group of people sitting at a table at a local Cafe. Geelong Podcasters July 2024 Catch Up Event.

Who are Geelong Podcasters?

Geelong Podcasters are a lively group of both professional and hobby podcasters based in Geelong and the Bellarine in Victoria, Australia. We release a weekly bite-sized podcast every Friday, exploring the wonderful world of podcasting, and host in-person catch-up events in the Geelong CBD on the fourth Friday of each month. Committed to community support, we regularly donate to local charities and use our podcasting efforts to make a positive impact.

Who is your Host?

Zoë Wood, your Video Confidence Coach connects the dots between personal branding and video marketing. Helping women and non-binary folk in small business, find their way in the world of marketing their passion without the energy drain.

Find out more about how to grow your personal brand with the power of video right here on vcc.training

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Geelong Podcasters acknowledges the Wathaurong people of the Kulin Alliance as the traditional custodians of the land on which this content was created. © 2024 Video Confidence Coach. All Rights Reserved.

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04 How do I choose a topic for my podcast?


02 What is a podcast?