02 What is a podcast?

Topics Discussed This Episode:

0:00 - 2:00: Introduction and purpose of Geelong Podcasters.

2:01 - 3:30: Defining what a podcast is and how it has evolved.

3:31 - 4:30: Key characteristics of podcasts: subscription-based and widely accessible.

4:31 - 5:30: Addressing common questions from new podcasters and listeners.

5:31 - End: Encouragement to engage with family and friends about podcasting and wrap-up.

In this episode of Geelong Podcasters, Zoë Wood, the Video Confidence Coach, delves into the fundamental question: "What is a podcast?" She begins by explaining how the term has evolved from simply being a digital audio show to encompassing various formats like video and live stream podcasts. Zoë highlights that a podcast is essentially content available on demand via the Internet, allowing listeners to stream or download episodes at their convenience. She also emphasizes two main traits of podcasts: they are subscription-based, meaning listeners automatically receive new episodes through their preferred podcast app, and they are widely accessible across numerous platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube.

This episode is particularly useful for beginners and those new to the world of podcasting. Zoë's explanation demystifies the concept of podcasts, making it easier for listeners to understand and engage with this medium. She encourages seasoned podcasters to share their work with family and friends, making the process of finding and listening to podcasts more accessible for everyone. By providing a clear, concise definition and addressing common questions, this episode serves as a valuable resource for anyone looking to start or better understand podcasting. If you have any questions or want to learn more, visit the Geelong Podcasters website and join the community. Don't forget to check out the show notes for additional resources and tune in next week for more podcasting insights!

  • What is a podcast? How do I even know what a podcast is? And other questions related to what is the podcast? Welcome to Geelong Podcast is your weekly podcast for tips and tricks to grow your audience. We are a group of passionate podcast is located in Geelong and the Bellerin in Victoria, Australia. If your data away at the end of the month, why not come to one of our free monthly meetup events, and also find the booking links and more in the show notes. Thank you for your patience during that interesting introduction. Ultimately, the question that we're asking is, what is a podcast? I want to provide a nice introduction, series of podcasts probably for the next eight episodes, just to give you an idea of podcasting wallets about some of the really basic questions that people have about podcasting. So you can have these resources for when you start your own journey. Or if you're just still feeling it out, then you can get more information here. So all breaking down, what exactly is a podcast? Now, this term actually changes over time. It used to be just a digital audio show. Essentially, radio on the internet is essentially what a podcast used to be. And the reason I preface used to be is because it's no longer just an audio show. You have video podcast, you have live stream podcasts. Essentially, what it is boiled down is content that you can access via the Internet that is on demand. And the listeners can stream and download that content to listen when they're no longer on the internet. It's a bit of a long way of putting it but that's where we're sticking. The podcast usually has these next two traits. It's usually subscription based, as in the listeners or subscribers, as we call them, receive new updates and new episodes automatically via their podcast catcher of choice, be this your apple podcasts or Spotify podcasts as apps like pod chaser or podcast addict for Android. And that's and they usually get this information via what is known as an RSS feed. Essentially, it's a feed that goes out into the internet that lets people know when they can download the new podcasts and a very simplified version, RSS feeds the RSS feeds have been used in blogs have been used in news for I think as long as the internet has existed, honestly, they're very simplistic way of keeping updates about a specific topic, show or newspaper. So that's how they usually get their information in. And as you can imagine, the other thing that podcasts have no matter what type they are, is that they are widely accessible. So they are available on all different platforms for people to be able to again, download and consume or they stream that podcast live from, say, your Spotify is your apple podcast, your youtubes. Every other platform has essentially a podcast capability. And I wanted to talk to you about this is not just because we had a long podcast, as you can probably imagine, and we talk about podcasting, that kind of comes to the territory. But when it comes to, ultimately, what is a podcast, there are so many things that people can think about, especially those who are maybe new to podcasting or don't listen to a lot of them. There's a lot of questions, essentially coming not from a place of fear, but from a place of curiosity. And if you ever get people, especially family and friends who may not listen to as many podcasts as you do, give them a little bit of grace and just essentially tell them, hey, it's a radio show I put online and maybe even help them download it. Maybe access your web page, or say, Hey, do you use like apple? Or are you listening to Spotify? Okay, no, Google, your podcast name and check it out. Try and make showcasing the work that you do as a podcast nice and easy and accessible. You're not necessarily going to get consistent listenership. But if people who love you are interested in the work that you do, why not show them? I'm going to finish up the episode here because I think we've pretty much described down and distil down as to what a podcast is. But essentially, a podcast is a digital piece of content that is on demand for people to stream or download. It's subscription based. So when people subscribe to your podcast, they get new updates regularly and automatically. And it's accessible on all different types of platforms all over the web. So I look forward to seeing you about other questions people have about podcasting. If you have any questions, make sure you go to our website and ask you right And we'll make sure to put it on the podcast. All right, bye This podcast is sponsored by me Zoë The video confidence coach connecting the dots of your personal brand with the power of video. See more in the show notes. Speaking of shownotes see all the show notes including links, upcoming events and details for this episode and many more in the episode description or just go to Vcc dot training slash Geelong Dash podcasters make sure you tune in for next week

Group of people sitting at a table at a local Cafe. Geelong Podcasters July 2024 Catch Up Event.

Who are Geelong Podcasters?

Geelong Podcasters are a lively group of both professional and hobby podcasters based in Geelong and the Bellarine in Victoria, Australia. We release a weekly bite-sized podcast every Friday, exploring the wonderful world of podcasting, and host in-person catch-up events in the Geelong CBD on the fourth Friday of each month. Committed to community support, we regularly donate to local charities and use our podcasting efforts to make a positive impact.

Who is your Host?

Zoë Wood, your Video Confidence Coach connects the dots between personal branding and video marketing. Helping women and non-binary folk in small business, find their way in the world of marketing their passion without the energy drain.

Find out more about how to grow your personal brand with the power of video right here on vcc.training

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Geelong Podcasters acknowledges the Wathaurong people of the Kulin Alliance as the traditional custodians of the land on which this content was created. © 2024 Video Confidence Coach. All Rights Reserved.

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03 How do I start a podcast?


01 From Idea to Community