Video Confidence Connect

Join your Video Confidence Coach, every Friday at 10am AEST for the livestreamed Video Confidence Connect! We'll dive into your personal branding magic using the power of video. These informative yet easy-listening sessions last for 1 hour and are available afterwards on my website, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Love to answer your questions.

006 Using assistive technology for productivity and efficiency in your business + Prioritizing Strategy Over Format

This episode dives into the power of assistive technology, exploring various tools that boost productivity and efficiency, especially for those with neurodivergent needs. Whether you struggle with focus or just need smarter tools to streamline your work, this chat will offer practical solutions to help your business thrive.

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002 Processes Are A Business Owners Best Friend + BFM + MVP = A Mantra for Life and Business

In this episode, we delve into the essentials of business processes and marketing strategies that streamline operations and enhance productivity. Discover actionable insights on how to effectively use these processes to your advantage.

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