05 How can a podcast help my small business or personal brand?

Topics Discussed This Episode:

00:00 - 02:00 Introduction to the episode and overview of the topic.

02:00 - 04:00 Building authority through podcasting.

04:00 - 06:00 Engaging your audience and expanding your reach.

In this episode of the Geelong Podcasters, we dive into the powerful ways a podcast can help grow your small business or personal brand. By consistently sharing your expertise, you establish yourself as an authority in your field. This regular engagement builds trust with your audience, making them more likely to turn to you for solutions. Furthermore, hearing your voice regularly helps listeners feel a personal connection, fostering loyalty and confidence in your brand.

Podcasts also offer an excellent opportunity to expand your reach. As listeners discover your content and subscribe, your audience grows organically. This can lead to new opportunities, such as sponsorship deals and collaborations, that further enhance your brand's visibility. If you're ready to take your podcasting efforts to the next level, tune in and let's grow together!

Don’t forget to join our free monthly meetups and check out the show notes for links and more resources. Happy podcasting!

  • I'm really excited for today's topic. Let's discuss how your podcast can help build your small business or personal brand. Welcome to Geelong podcasters, your weekly podcast for tips and tricks to grow your audience. We are a group of passionate podcasters located in Geelong and the Bellarine in Victoria, Australia. If you're down our way at the end of the month, why not come to one of our free monthly meetup events and also find the booking links and more in the show notes. This podcast is part of a longer series that we're doing about how to start your podcast. This episode is going to specifically be in my wheelhouse about how does a podcast help build a small business or a personal brand. And the reason that this is in my wheelhouse is because this is what I do for clients. I help them build their personal brands and build their small businesses, usually women and non binary folk, be able to make their passion into profit and make sure their message gets out there smoothly and cleanly. So the things that I wanted to discuss today in this short, sharp episode will be about, how does a podcast help build and grow your business or personal brand? It does so by three factors. It does by building your authority, by engaging your audience over time and organically, and also expands your reach. So let's go into those topics by building your authority. What it means by this is to establish yourself as an expert in your field. Essentially, experts like to Yap and as an expert in your particular niche or particular field. Having a podcast something that happens regularly and concurrently with the work that you do in your business allows you to speak directly to your audience and directly to your potential customers in a way that no other method can. Yes, you can use videos. Yes, you can use all types of other marketing materials. But when it comes to podcasts, it's a consistent, easy way to show you know what you're talking about by showing examples, and especially if you are able to do it over a long term, say, for example, having a podcast for three or so years shows your level of dedication and consistency compared to someone who maybe doesn't have a podcast at all, or maybe is just starting out. And again, if you are just starting out in your podcast, that is okay. We all have to start somewhere. The reason that a podcast helps grow your business and personal brand is engages your audience. It connects your audience on a deeper and more personal level, because they're hearing your voice in their ears, either listening to headphones coming out of their speakers in their home, in their environment, or you're listening to over ear headphones. So essentially, you are there when they need help, and they usually listen to podcasts, not necessarily to extract information. But I know for a fact that a lot of clients that I have worked with once they have heard maybe an interview that I've done in the past on another podcast, or when I rekindled my own podcast again, they just enjoy hearing my stuff UPS really but essentially, they feel more connected to me and what I offer in my small business. And ultimately, they are more confident in handing over the reins to me when it comes time to it, because they engage me and connect with me on a deeper level, because they feel like they know who I am, and that will be the same for you, especially over time. And a podcast is only just going to expand your reach by reaching new audiences and potential customers, because people find podcasts download start listening to them, and a lot of podcasts, like Apple podcasts, automatically download podcasts to people's phones, so you're already on the list if they subscribe to your podcast, and if not, I've had multiple people reach out to me after after hearing a couple of episodes of mine and then waiting a couple of weeks and then listening to another podcast of mine again and saying, Yes, I'm actually going to reach out to Zoe. This is the right step to take. Why? Because I'm constantly in their ears. Now, the reason I specify a small business and personal brand is because a lot of people that I specifically work with have that two in the same personal brand and small business have a tendency of being interlocked for the work that I do with the people that I work with. But that may not be the same for you. Your Podcast may turn into a small business for you because of sponsor deals and such, but it also may be a way to establish your personal brand and establish credibility in your particular niche and field. With that your podcast is essentially affirming. So what I want to ask you is, if starting a podcast has all these positives, what are the potential negatives and drawbacks. Yes, it'll take time. Yes, it'll take effort. Sometimes it'll take a bit of investment, and you're gonna have to fail a fair few times before you get going. Hey, I am living proof of that. The first episodes of this podcast have not been smooth, but that is okay, because I'm here for you. I am here to listen to your feedback. I. Here to grow right in front of you, to help you with your own podcasts. See ya. This podcast is sponsored by me, Zoe. Video confidence coach, connecting the dots of your personal brand with the power of video. See more in the show notes. Speaking of show notes, see all the show notes, including links upcoming events and details for this episode and many more in the episode description, or just go to vcc, dot training, slash Geelong dash podcasters, make sure you tune in for next week.

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Group of people sitting at a table at a local Cafe. Geelong Podcasters July 2024 Catch Up Event.

Who are Geelong Podcasters?

Geelong Podcasters are a lively group of both professional and hobby podcasters based in Geelong and the Bellarine in Victoria, Australia. We release a weekly bite-sized podcast every Friday, exploring the wonderful world of podcasting, and host in-person catch-up events in the Geelong CBD on the fourth Friday of each month. Committed to community support, we regularly donate to local charities and use our podcasting efforts to make a positive impact.

Who is your Host?

Zoë Wood, your Video Confidence Coach connects the dots between personal branding and video marketing. Helping women and non-binary folk in small business, find their way in the world of marketing their passion without the energy drain.

Find out more about how to grow your personal brand with the power of video right here on vcc.training

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Geelong Podcasters acknowledges the Wathaurong people of the Kulin Alliance as the traditional custodians of the land on which this content was created. © 2024 Video Confidence Coach. All Rights Reserved.

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