07 How do I get people to listen to my podcast?

Topics Discussed This Episode:

00:00 - 02:00 Introduction and overview of podcast promotion strategies.

02:00 - 04:00 Social media promotion and the value of video content for podcasts.

04:00 - 06:00 SEO optimization and leveraging your website to grow listenership.

In this episode of the Geelong Podcasters, we dive into the practical steps to help you grow your podcast audience. A key strategy is promoting your podcast on social media, where you can use video, images, or audio snippets to capture the attention of your audience. While social media is a valuable tool for promotion, it's important to remember that these platforms are rented spaces, and it's always wise to direct your followers back to your own website, where you have more control over your content.

We also explore how SEO can be a game-changer for podcasters. By optimizing your website and podcast show notes with relevant keywords, you increase the chances of being found by new listeners through organic search. Combining these approaches—social media promotion and SEO—will help expand your audience and encourage word-of-mouth growth.

One of the key takeaways from this episode is the importance of using multiple methods to grow your podcast audience. Social media is a great way to engage with potential listeners, especially if you can incorporate visuals like video or audio snippets that capture attention. The episode highlights how even without professional video equipment, podcasters can use images or slideshows to enhance their social media presence.

Another important insight is the role of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in helping new listeners find your podcast. Optimizing your website and podcast episodes for search engines ensures that people can stumble upon your content organically, even if they don’t initially search for podcasts. The combination of social media engagement and SEO tactics can help increase visibility and boost your podcast’s reach over time.

Be sure to check out the show notes for more tips and join our free monthly meetups for even more podcasting insights. Happy podcasting!

  • 0:00

    How on earth do I get people to listen to my podcast? Scratching my head, welcome to Geelong podcasters, your weekly podcast for tips and tricks to grow your audience.


    We are a group of passionate podcasters located in Geelong and the bellerine in Victoria, Australia. If you're down our way at the end of the month, why not come to one of our free monthly meetup events and also find the booking links and more in the show notes. Thank you to everyone for your patience during this time. For those who are listening to the podcast live as it comes out, we did take a two week break from the podcast, and I apologize for that personal life comes up, and we deal with it as best we can. So I thank you for your patience and look forward to continually being able to deliver the podcast for you. In regards to today's topic of, how do I get people to listen to my podcast, as I've discussed in previous episodes of The Dylan podcast, podcast is podcast, I should say is that podcasting is a slow growing marketing channel, or it is something that you grow over time, and is not necessarily something you're going to start out with a lot of listeners, unless you've already built a community of people who are willing to listen to podcasts, but also, for example, maybe very interested in the topic that you have to discuss, and you may have the best podcast out there, but if you've got no listeners, then is the podcast doing its job. That is okay. So the things I want to discuss with you guys today on the podcast is promoting yourself on social media and showcasing yourself on your websites, using SEO optimization to make sure that you are found organically online by people who are interested in your subject matter and also engaging with the current community that you have, making sure that you listen to their requests, encourage reviews and shares, because most, most likely people are going to engage with a podcast, honestly, usually from word of mouth. Most people who engage with the podcast, or most of the podcasts that I come across that I listen to on a regular basis, is because they were a recommended on other podcasts that are similar in the niche, or they were told to me by various business associates, by various people in my life, my personal life, who say, Hey, you're interested in this subject, why don't you listen to this podcast? I find it very funny. I find it very engaging. I find it very insightful, whatever the reasons are, having word of mouth is very popular and very useful as a tactic to grow your listenership. When it comes to podcasting, let's go back to the original, uh, mention that I said there, which was promote yourself on social media. There's a reason why video podcasting has become very popular over recent years, and that is because you can see people's faces and reactions when recording a podcast in real time in the social media feeds. You don't necessarily need to record your video podcast. You can use this by utilizing a collection of slideshow or videos or images. You don't necessarily have to record a video, but if you do, or are able to record a video view as you're recording the podcast, this makes promoting yourself a whole lot easier. But you can also just do this by taking snippets of your audio and relating it to, for example, relevant memes or relevant movies or images that may not be owned by you, but you can use, to comedic effect, making sure that you're not stepping on anyone's copyright. For example, you can do this to help promote the work that you do on social media. I don't recommend that being your entire strategy, just because you do not own social media. You do it is building on rented building on rented land. They can do whatever they want with it. So when it comes to promoting yourself on social media, do your best to lead people to your website or some sort of platform that you have more control over. Of course, this takes a bit of time and a bit of know how, but there are a lot of website builders out there, very, either cheap or completely free. Website builders out there that you can build really basic website podcasts that can tell people where to listen to in really click, really clear, easy, clickable formats. You're able to have all your show notes there, so when people need to find more information about you on your podcast, the show notes are there, and they can get to know more information about you and maybe even interact with you in comments on your website, or maybe able to easily send emails to you, as I mentioned with the website, SEO optimization, which is search engine optimization, is key when trying to get people who are not necessarily in your sphere, or people who maybe don't listen to a lot of podcasts, they may find or stumble upon you because of organic words that. You use within your website, copy honestly podcast episodes, or even series of podcast episodes themselves. But I wanted to give you a light taste of what you could possibly do to help boost your listenership for your own podcast. If you have any recommendations yourself, feel free to reach out. This podcast is sponsored by me, Zoe video confidence coach, connecting the dots of your personal brand with the power of video. See more in the show notes. Speaking of show notes, see all the show notes, including links upcoming events and details for this episode and many more in the episode description. Or just go to vcc, dot training. Slash, Geelong dash podcasters, make sure you tune in for next week.

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Group of people sitting at a table at a local Cafe. Geelong Podcasters July 2024 Catch Up Event.

Who are Geelong Podcasters?

Geelong Podcasters are a lively group of both professional and hobby podcasters based in Geelong and the Bellarine in Victoria, Australia. We release a weekly bite-sized podcast every Friday, exploring the wonderful world of podcasting, and host in-person catch-up events in the Geelong CBD on the fourth Friday of each month. Committed to community support, we regularly donate to local charities and use our podcasting efforts to make a positive impact.

Who is your Host?

Zoë Wood, your Video Confidence Coach connects the dots between personal branding and video marketing. Helping women and non-binary folk in small business, find their way in the world of marketing their passion without the energy drain.

Find out more about how to grow your personal brand with the power of video right here on vcc.training

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Geelong Podcasters acknowledges the Wathaurong people of the Kulin Alliance as the traditional custodians of the land on which this content was created. © 2024 Video Confidence Coach. All Rights Reserved.

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